Tourist program to visit Hiroshima

Tourist program to visit Hiroshima
This city will forever be the first synonym for the tragedy of the Second World War. It will remain on its walls and on its territory the stabs of the atomic bomb it received in 1945, but it did not keep the city as it is. If it goes to Japan, the visit is its duty to this steadfast city. Tourist to visit from one day to Hiroshima.

'Shrine island' or island of the mausoleum is one of the most important tourist destinations of Hiroshima, one of three important natural tourist attractions in Japan, the island is located on the sea, and there you can see the deer walking on the sides of the island and amid trees while monkeys are related there, Your day in Hiroshima.
After leaving the island, the best place to go is the Peace Monument built to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and to promote the idea of ​​world peace. The field is located around the vicinity of the epicenter of the atomic explosion along with many other landmarks Link.

The Peace Memorial Museum is your next destination, clearly showing the terrible atomic bomb effects on the city and its inhabitants.
The atomic bomb dome is also an important shrine where the only dome of the buildings that survived the explosion.

The memorial to the victims of the atomic bomb lies between the dome of the bomb and the museum, it will be the last destination before leaving Hiroshima.


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